Webinar-01: Women Empowerment and its values.

Our first webinar was on “Women Empowerment and its Values,” organized by Bold and Becoming. We had the privilege of bringing together three amazing leaders and educators to share their perspectives and knowledge with us. According to World Vision, “Women’s empowerment can be defined as promoting women’s sense of self-worth, their ability to determine their […]

Workshop-01: Creating a Value System

In our series of monthly workshops, the first workshop was on “Creating a Value System.” We discussed the definition and importance of a value system, how to create a value system, how values are integral to navigating our lives, and how they impact our decision-making, actions, habits, and behaviors. What is value?  Well, it has […]

Webinar-02: Women Empowerment and its purposes

Our 2nd webinar was on “Women’s Empowerment and its purpose.” We had the honor of having three brilliant minds and changemakers as our guest speakers to share their thoughts on the subject. According to the UN, “Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable […]

Workshop-02: Understanding the Purpose

“Understanding the Purpose” was the 2nd workshop in our series of monthly workshops. We discussed the definition and importance of having a purpose, how to find a purpose for our goals, and setting SMART goals. What is the Purpose? “Purpose” is an intention or reason to attain or achieve something. It is the “why” behind one’s […]